Friday, April 17, 2009

Working, Working, Working...

I am diligently working on portraits to upload for ordering for Chandler and Jana. I hope to have most of them up by the end of the night IF our electricity doesn't go out. I think both sessions turned out great!

Prom pictures are in and I will deliver them at school on Monday. I have another shipment of portraits coming in the first of next week so I am slowly getting caught up! If you don't have your portraits yet, they are coming. Thanks for being so patient! I know it is exciting to see them in print! I appreciate all of your business!

Calling all seniors....if you haven't had portraits made and plan on it, there is still time! You need to take them and order within the next week in order to have wallets in for your invitations. Call me if you want to set something up.

Just a note...If you would like to see more blog post or can't find what you are looking for, check at the bottom where it says older posts . Also, I have added a follower section and I don't have any followers? Am I all alone? I love comments too! Hint, Hint!

Back to work for me! Enjoy the rest of this rainy day...

1 comment:

  1. i follow you, girl. just not with blogger. i use bloglines. don't aren't alone! ;)
